The health and safety sector in industrial facilities refers to the policies, procedures, and practices that are implemented to ensure the health and safety of workers in the workplace. This includes measures to prevent injuries, illnesses, or even accidents that may arise from work-related activities. Industrial facilities are often complex environments that exhibit various hazards to workers, including physical hazards such as machinery and equipment, chemical hazards such as toxic substances and gases, and biological hazards such as exposure to infectious diseases.
iASC has expertise in addressing health and safety concerns in industrial facilities, and offers tailored software, hardware, or integrated solutions to improve these conditions, ultimately promoting safer and more secure work environments.
Food safety refers to the measures and procedures that are taken to ensure that food is free from harmful contaminants and pathogens that can cause illness or disease in humans. It involves the entire food production chain, from farm to table, and encompasses a wide range of activities such as growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, transporting, storing, and preparing food.
Some digital technologies that are taking into consideration when we want to ensure food safety are:
-Blockchain: Through the continuously track of the product the costumer can be informed about the origin of the raw materials and the length of time they took to reach him.
-IoT sensors: By monitoring critical characteristics (temperature, humidity, etc), of the raw materials and the final product throughout the various stages in the supply chain, customers can be informed about the level of risk associated with consuming the final product