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Research & Development


Measuring production KPIs and tracing textile materials in the textile industry using a Real-Time Locating System

The CottonTracer project encompasses the deployment of the novel Real-Time Locating System (RTLS), developed by Digital Value Chains P.C., within the facilities of the industrial partner (Alfa Cotton LTD), with the primary objective of monitoring mobile assets, specifically the bins employed by the company for the transportation of semi-finished garments. The utilization of bin tracking, coupled with Data Analytics Tools to the resultant positional data, holds the potential to yield valuable insights into the operational dynamics of the manufacturing line. The central aspiration of this project is to extract and subsequently leverage critical key performance indicators (KPIs) pertaining to the manufacturing processes.

01.09.2023-31.05.2024 (9 months)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme –INNOSUP under grant agreement No 101005711

Funded under the cascade-funding call of Mind4Machines